A Family Dentist In Locust Valley NY Provides All The Oral Healthcare You Need

by | May 23, 2017 | Dentistry

Visiting an experienced Family Dentist in Locust Valley NY means you can get all of the oral health care services you need to maintain a healthy body. Overall health relies on good oral health, regular checkups and cleanings. Early detection of gum disease can prevent the loss of teeth, emergency, cosmetic, periodontal, restorative and surgical treatments. There’s no need to travel to other dental offices to receive care from someone an individual’s never met before. Early detection of dental problems in a child means early intervention. Some treatments can eliminate the need for braces in the future if the teeth are not arriving straight or if the jawbone is too crowded.

Teenagers and adults want the whitest smile they can have. Medications, food, drink, and age can discolor the teeth. Teeth whitening in a dental office takes about an hour and will deliver evenly whitened teeth. The solution is very concentrated and the dentist will apply a gel to protect the lips and tongue from being irritated. Home kits work well for subtle whitening, but they can slip and cause uneven whitening of the teeth and irritation to the mouth. When a tooth is chipped or discolored, a Family Dentist in Locust Valley NY can put a porcelain veneer over the tooth and make it look like new. Gaps between the teeth can also be closed with this type of procedure.

Missing teeth can be unsightly and cause an individual to feel self-conscious about their smile. A missing tooth doesn’t have to be replaced with a bridge any longer when a dental implant is chosen. An implant is permanent and takes two to three visits to complete. A dentist will determine if the jawbone is healthy enough to hold a titanium post. A post will be inserted into the jawbone and healing will take several months. A patient will return to have a permanent crown attached to the post that will match the size and shape of the other teeth in the mouth. Once it’s completed, it can be brushed and cared for like a natural tooth.

If you’re looking for a quality dental care, the Locust Valley Dental Group provides everything you’ll need. Please feel free to browse the website for more information.

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