Find Out The Facts On Root Canals In Sparks, NV

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Dental

Dental problems can be painful to deal with at times. Even a small cavity can pose a significant risk of pain if not taken care of by a reputable dentist. In many cases, tiny cavities that seem insignificant can in fact increase in severity quite quickly. Once the enamel of a tooth starts to have issues, it will begin to degrade quickly over time to the point that the nerve could become exposed. Once this happens, it is important for a Sparks area resident to seek out the aid of a reputable dental practice, such as Sparks Dental, to remedy the situation as soon as possible.

In most cases, a cavity can be fixed quite easily if most of the tooth is intact. If the majority of the tooth is destroyed, however, it may become necessary for a dentist to perform a root canal on the tooth and then crown it. When Root Canals in Sparks NV are required, it is usually due to the tooth having less than 50% of its original form remaining. If the damage to the tooth is severe, infection of the tooth becomes a major factor. If the tooth does get infected, a dentist will have to prescribe antibiotics first before they can do any work. The risk of the infection entering the blood stream is too great for a dentist to try to work on the infected tooth. Even pulling the tooth can run the risk of the infection entering the blood stream.

Once the infection has subsided to acceptable levels, usually within four or five days of taking the antibiotics, Root Canals in Sparks NV will be a safe avenue of treatment. The dentist will begin by drilling into the tooth to access the root, allowing them to extract the nerve safely. Once done, the tooth will be filled with dental cement to strengthen the core of the tooth. The cement will be shaped into a placeholder for a crown to be placed onto as the next step. Once the cement step is done, a temporary crown will be placed on the tooth while a permanent one is being made. The permanent crown will usually be metal or a combination of porcelain and metal. It will act just like a tooth would, and will typically last for years without coming loose due to wear and tear.

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