If you’ve lost your teeth and aren’t a good candidate for implants, your only option is going to be to get dentures. These false teeth are actually worn by more people than you might think. Today’s options are so well-made that you may see people on a daily basis wearing these false teeth and not realize that they are not real. But are you in need of working with a dentist for this solution? Here are some signs that false teeth may be in your future.
You Have Swollen, Red Gums
If your gums aren’t healthy, it’s a good sign that you are going to lose some of your teeth. Gingivitis is a major issue and if you don’t get to the dentist and deal with it, it will quickly become a very serious problem. Fortunately, if you do see a dentist and treat gingivitis early, you have nothing to fear and will be able to keep all of your natural teeth instead of getting dentures.
You Have Loose Teeth
If you notice that one or more of your teeth are loose or will shift slightly when you press on them, it’s a sign that those teeth may have to be removed. Loose teeth are one sign that gum disease has advanced to the serious stage. It often indicates that you have lost some of the bone from your gums, leaving the teeth no longer anchored. If this happens, you’ll need to see the experts at Smile Solutions PC to see if you can save those teeth.
You Don’t Go to the Dentist
Finally, if you haven’t been to the dentist for more than a year, your oral health is likely to be fairly bad. This is especially true if you don’t have good oral hygiene. If this is the case, you may be looking at dentures because your teeth are most likely not in good condition. You can also connect them on Facebook.