Turning to Dentists in Trumbull CT to Help With Wisdom Teeth

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Dentistry

When wisdom teeth are problematic, extraction is inevitable. Wisdom teeth extraction is a very frequent operation which can be done under local or regional anesthesia. Today, there are very few indications of intervention under general anesthesia, which would involve hospitalization.

Depending on the arrangement and the number of teeth to be extracted, the extraction can be done once or twice. If the teeth to be removed have few problems, it is possible to remove them all at once. But more generally, Dentists in Trumbull CT like to proceed in two steps: one side, then the other. Patients experience less difficulty this way.

Extraction techniques

There are several extraction techniques. If the tooth is in a complicated position, the tooth can be cut and extracted in small pieces. This prevents patients from having “hamster cheeks” for days because, after a wisdom tooth extraction, swelling occurs.

Generally, this operation requires premedication, an antibiotic for six days before the surgery, and possibly a steroidal anti-inflammatory, precisely used to decrease swelling.

History behind extractions

Today, wisdom teeth often must be removed, but this was not the case in the past. The first humans’ jaw was more spacious and their food was tougher to chew. Their third molars were very useful to replace those that had been eroded.

Today, the third molar is more and more undesirable because people chew less. However, Dentists in Trumbull CT do see cases where patients have wisdom teeth that pose no threat.

Other things to keep in mind

Humans and their diet have changed over the years, two molars are enough and wisdom teeth are no longer necessary. Even though wisdom teeth are no longer needed, they still erupt, causing massive amounts of pain for most. Because of this, extraction is necessary.

There is often more fear than harm when it comes to extracting teeth. It is certainly not pleasant but it is more troublesome than painful and everything returns to normal in a few days. But if a dentist recommends an extraction, their patient should seriously consider it because the health consequences of not doing so can be serious. Get more information by contacting a local dentist today.

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