Are You Considering Braces, Find a Professional in Lombard

by | Mar 19, 2018 | Dentistry

Whether you’re considering them for yourself or your child, you’ve probably seen many people who’ve worn braces on their teeth. It is estimated that more than four million Americans wear them right now, and almost one-quarter of them are adults. Residents in Lombard may be considering them and wonder why they’re so essential and why dentists recommend them.

Straighten Teeth

Of course, the primary reason to consider braces is to straighten your teeth. When your teeth lean to the side or come in all in the same place, you may notice more dental issues, such as the inability to brush/floss properly, improper bite patterns, more stress on one area of the mouth, and more. Likewise, you can also develop self-confidence issues when your teeth aren’t straight. You may avoid laughing or change the way you smile so that others don’t see the crooked teeth.

Prevent Future Problems

Most residents in Lombard think of the present and worry about what could happen. However, you may also want to focus on what could occur in the future, as crooked teeth can cause an uneven bite. Over time, the teeth can shift even more, which causes the teeth to become misaligned. When that happens, some teeth may chip (or even break off), or become more worn. These metal instruments can prevent those issues and align the teeth correctly.

Consider Time

While most people wish that things happen instantaneously, you should be aware that it takes time for these devices to work. In some cases, the problem hasn’t progressed very far, which means it may only take a few months. For others, it can take up to two years.

Braces are an excellent solution if you or your child have crooked teeth. Visit Oakbrook Orthodontics in Lombard at to find out more.

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